Chapter 4

Think Globally, Act Locally

Stan Wagon


Problem 4


4.1 A First Look · 4.2 Speedy Evolution · 4.3 Interval Arithmetic · 4.4 Calculus · 4.5 Newton's Method for Intervals · 4.6 A Validation Method for Roots · 4.7 Harder Problems · 4.8 Summary

Solution is known to more than 10,002 digits.


Packages for Interval Arithmetic

Packages for Global Optimization

This is a web page for the book:

Folkmar Bornemann, Dirk Laurie, Stan Wagon, Jörg Waldvogel: The SIAM 100-Digit Challenge, A Study in High-Accuracy Numerical Computing. Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, 2004.

last modified: 05/25/04 17:02 +0200 (FB)